Fun Stats
12.7K Women Physicians
581.5K Posts, Comments, and Reactions
1 Community
(stats from 1/1/18-12/31/18)

One Place
Weeding Out the "fluff."
There are so many websites, groups, blogs, podcasts, products out there. No way we can visit them all, learn about them all. We are meant to be a "one-stop shop" per se for support of all weight loss topics, journeys, and more.

Personal Connections
Real time interaction with your peers for support and "curb-sides."

1 Community
One community using multiple methodologies.
Who We Are...
Physician Women! More specifically any women whom have finished medical school and at least started residency. Including: MD/DO/MBBS
Goals of the Group
First And Foremost: Support of each other. The weight loss journey is difficult and lengthy, no one goes through it just once. We know that about 95% of people will end up regaining weight after a weight loss at five years. We want to change that through support and sharing of academic knowledge and experiences. Maybe through support and learning in our group, eventually we will have an impact on our communities as a whole.
What We Are Not
We are not a medical service. There are no "patient-doctor" relationships in the group. We are a group of peers sharing information openly and freely.
We are not a way for you to advertise your service. If you are a physician in the 'weight loss world' please expect to join knowing information is shared with peers openly in our forum. Please do not hope or plan to direct members towards your personal: website, blog, social media account, etc., etc. We are all busy. Our forum is meant to be a place we can gain support and knowledge in one united place.
Next Steps...
Join Us.