The Healthy Doc: A Healthful, Helpful, Document.


I will be the first to admit we covered a wide variety of issues in this high yield 54-page document (pdf). My hope for it was to be a broad overview explaining details of weight loss and how our lifestyle affects our ability to lose weight. But, also to keep it lighthearted while translating details into concise, practical, and usable information. Ultimately the focus is on starting the process of a lifestyle change that lends itself towards weight loss. This is not a let’s focus purely on weight loss first and then hope lifestyle will somehow fall into line.

Basically: how to start making changes towards a healthy lifestyle, with a bit of obesity medicine tidbits to help you learn more about the process of weight loss.

How the download works. It is a pdf file. A link will be emailed to the address you enter into the order form. The link is good for 3 downloads, this way you can download it to multiple devices for easier access. BUT the link will only be good for 3 days!! So make sure to download it sooner than later. Please do not share the link with another, you would be shocked at how much time, and even money was invested in this project.





An intro to how making changes towards a healthy lifestyle, with a bit of obesity medicine tid-bits to help you learn more about the process of weight loss.