Choosing Love or Fear I always feel a bit funny talking to people about this topic, I know that if…
This is about trying more eat food for food, less eat food based on emotional pressure. Being able to practice the ability to see the entire truth behind an eating scenario, and then having our thoughts lead us to a more positive outcome. #wearewhatwethink
Vacation Perspectives to Ponder Goal evaluation: Why do we go on vacation?? Do we go to de-stress, to gain some…
FOMO “Fear Of Missing Out” Biggest example: FREE FOOD When the plate of cookies is sitting there, you start to…
Mechanisms of obesity, why many programs won’t work. A look at what factor you might need to take into consideration.
DISCLAIMER: This podcast is meant to share information, perspectives, and experiences. It does not provide medical advice, and it is…
Fear of changing??? Good! At least you are thinking about changing!! It is the first step. “Taking a new step,…
What’s the deal with wanting weight loss so badly, but having an inability to follow through on a nutritional plan??…
Why it is SOOOO much more.
Behavioral Modification: An approach that has been around a while, but does not seem to be well known.